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CPC Training

What is CPC Training?

CPC (Certificate of Professional Competence) is a legal requirement for those driving larger vehicles and HGVs professionally in the UK. If you’re doing your HGV training for the first time you’ll go through initial CPC assessment, after which you’ll need to do 35 hours of periodic CPC training every 5 years to stay compliant. 

Types of CPC courses

There are two types of CPC courses for UK drivers, initial and periodic. The right one for you will depend on where you are training for the first time or doing a refresher.

Here’s what each one covers:

These periodic CPC training requirements do not all need to be taken in one sitting, and can be split up into smaller blocks over the five years.

This training covers a variety of topics such as road safety, fuel efficiency, and any legislation updates. Keeping up with this ongoing education is critical to maintaining certification and ensuring drivers continue to meet safety and legal standards.

Course Modules Covered in CPC Training

When booking a CPC course, drivers encounter a variety of modules that cover a myriad of important topics including:

These modules ensure that before driving on the road, drivers across the UK are equipped with the essential skills for safe and responsible driving.

Its Legal Requirements and Importance

What happens if a driver fails to maintain your Driver CPC certificate in the UK? They could face a fine of up to £1,000 and even risk being banned from driving professionally. Also, the operator that employs them could have their operator’s licence revoked. Also, if a driver is stopped for a roadside check without a valid CPC, they could face prosecution or have their HGV/PCV driving entitlement suspended.

However, the reason why CPC training is important extends beyond legality. Additionally, there are a number of extra advantages to drivers and operators alike.

These training benefits include:

Ultimately, staying on top of Driver CPC isn’t just about avoiding penalties. It’s about equipping drivers with valuable skills that boost efficiency, reduce costs, and keep the roads in the UK safer.

How to Get Your CPC Certification

Before starting out on CPC qualification, it’s vital that drivers check if they need initial CPC or periodic CPC. New HGV drivers or those who have never had a Driver CPC before, will need to take initial CPC. With HGVC, you can either opt in for a classroom based or online CPC training programme.


How long is CPC training valid for?

CPC qualification is valid for 5 years. After that, drivers need to complete 35 hours of periodic training to renew their qualification and keep driving professionally.

Can I bank hours for the next 5 years?

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