Today we bring you an amazing, heartwarming story that involves our very own Phil Linehan coming to the rescue of 96 year old World War 2 Veteran Pte James “Jim” Marland who joined the British Army way back in 1943 at the tender age of 18. As you’ll find out by reading on, a great wrong was done to him, but ultimately, there was a happy ending.

Jim Marland served in Malpere, Singapore, India, the United Kingdom and Germany, where he spent 6 weeks in a field hospital after receiving a shrapnel wound to the chest. For his heroic service, the serviceman gained a series of decorations, including the 1939/45 War Star, the France/Germany Star, the Defence Medal and the 1939/45 War Medal.

A Senseless Crime At the Remembrance Day Parade

On the 11th of November 2021, a senseless attack occurred while Mr Marland was at the Esplanade in Rochdale, attending the remembrance day parade at the local cenotaph. An unknown attacker ran at the unsuspecting veteran, ripping his hard-earned medals from his chest and making off with them into the crowds assembled.

Sadly, the assailant got away and it led to a Facebook page being created in order to help Jim get his medals back. Crucially, one of HGVC’s own, Army reservist Major Phil Linehan of 103rd Battalion Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers (REME) saw the post and came to his aid.

Phil Linehan Steps In to Assist In Replacing These Precious Items

Phil was in Sicily on military business at the time and he offered his assistance as a military historian who also runs a specialist medal refurbishment and mounting company. He immediately promised to replace the medals Mr Marland had lost free of charge – so that he could once again be reunited with the medals that he did so much to earn.

Over the past few weeks, Phil Linehan has been organising how to reunite Jim with the directions and they’re set to be presented to him at the FA Cup game between Rochdale and Stevenage on Tuesday 23rd of November – thanks also to help provided by Adam Trennery of Rochdale AFC veterans.

A Full Military Presentation at the Game

Touchingly, on the big day, Jim Marland’s medals will be presented to him by the very same Major Phil Linehan in full military uniform and in a wonderful presentation case. 103 Battalion REME will also be in attendance, presenting him with a Durham Light Infantry Beret with original cap badge gifted by another veteran Glen Martin, formerly a Warrant Officer in the Royal Corps of Transport.

We think you’ll agree that this is an incredibly moving act being arranged by Phil, whose day job is our Head of Driver Development at our head office in London, where he works hard, doing much to combat the UK’s national HGV driver shortage. We know Phil well and it doesn’t surprise us at all that he stepped up and made a difference when it mattered.